Together, we want to build our community based on positive human values, with respect for each inhabitant, for nature and our environment, and for future generations.
We oppose any form of politics that encourages polarisation within our society. We oppose the increasing populism that feeds on stoking up resentment and anger towards others, that stigmatises, that relies on a culture of blame, fear and exclusion. Together, we want to put a stop to this poison that is slowly entering our country and our villages.
We realise that resistance has to start at the grassroots level, at home, in our street, in our neighbourhood, in our community. We want a political environment that focuses on solutions and the needs of all members of the community. A political environment that listens to citizens and is open to their initiatives and engagement. A political environment where content trumps polemic, and not the other way around.
We see how people in Beersel are also affected by child poverty, by loneliness and depression, illness and adversity. And we want to tackle these issues in a very concrete way. Through social living and housing which work for both young and old and support all generations. Through a poverty action plan where the starting point consists in listening to those in need, and not bureaucratic rules and restrictions. Through welcoming village centres and neighbourhoods shaped with the input and involvement of our residents. Through respect for nature and a healthy environment. Through zero tolerance for littering.
We meet each other through the cultural, sporting and social activities in our local area and further expand these activities. We care about the young, single and disadvantaged among us and want to provide them with the necessary support to enable them to access affordable homes. We stand for more respect and space for vulnerable road users. We want to create a network of safe cycling paths connecting our villages and schools.
The levels of pollution and dirt in our village centres are a real problem and we want to work together on durable solutions. We see how our environment and biodiversity are slowly deteriorating, how planet Earth is warming up and how we need to act urgently to reduce particle emissions. We realise that our natural resources are finite. Therefore, we keep on building a municipality without pesticides and plastic and with even more green energy and fair trade. We support our local agriculture and favour healthy, fresh products from our region.
We look at the world with an open mind because we realise that millions of people around the globe are forced to flee violence, famine and extreme poverty.
Therefore, we continue to welcome the most vulnerable in our community and our schools because they are also entitled to protection and education for their children.
We reject the discourse of all parties that use racism and bigotry to chase votes. We appreciate the enrichment of our society through contact with other cultures and beliefs.
We are convinced that everything we do and decide together in Beersel today has an impact on the quality of life of our children and future generations. And we have a quiet suspicion that you too want to think and work with us on our municipality Beersel.